Friday, January 2, 2009

my first post of 2009!

It hardly feels like it is 2009! It's sort of surreal. I wonder what will happen in 2009. I would write 2009 things I hope to do this year, but that would be a little bit long and it would take forever. Instead I'll write nine things I hope to do/accomplish this year - New Year's Resolutions.

9. CONTINUE TO BLOG. I think it's good to blog, but better to journal. That's why journal's #4. Hey, I'm not trashing blogging, I just thing it's better to let out your feelings for only you to see and not the whole world.

8. HAVE FUN. Not that I don't already. :)

7. SAVE MORE $$$. I already do this, but if I'm gonna get into BYU, I better save more.

6. HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE... No comment.

5/1. READ THE WHOLE BOOK OF MORMON. This should be number one, but I'm too lazy to rearange the whole list. So, this is number 5/1. I need to revive my testimony.

4. WRITE IN MY JOURNAL...! I know, I know, I blog a lot but it's not the same. I'd be nice to have something with all my inner feelings and thoughts. A blog records what you've done but not in full detail.

3. MAINTAIN GOOD GRADES IN SCHOOL... Study more, pay attention in class, and the like.

2. BE MORE WILLING TO HELP AROUND THE HOUSE. Do chores with a good attitude. Do stuff I'm not asked to do.

1. BE NICER TO MY SIBLINGS, especially my 10-year-old brother Andrew, because we fight a lot and don't like it when we do.

I hope you have as good as a 2009 as I hope to have!! Love you all!! :D

1 comments: said...

What a great list of goals. Sounds like you are ready to do some Personal Progress in 2009! I hope so! Happy New Year.
