Monday, January 12, 2009

SCCRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my belated thoughts on the Twilight movie

Guess who's auditioning for the part of Leah Clearwater in New Moon? Hmm, let's look at the picture. That's whats-her-face... oh wait, that's Miss Disney, VANESSA HUDGENS!!!!!! I, for one, think she is too much of a Miss Disney to play a role in a freakin vampire/werewolf movie as a WEREWOLF!!! This is NOT GOOD.... She does not look like a Leah. I imagined Leah as stick thin, awkward, tall, and with caramel-colored hair. Here is what said in the article called "Vanessa Hudgens Auditions for Twilight Sequel New Moon":
"Now here's a role Vanessa Hudgens would like to sink her teeth into. The High School Musical star has auditioned for the part of werewolf Leah Clearwater in the Twilight sequel New Moon, according to Ashley Green, who played Alice in Twilight."I think she'd be great," Greene tells MTV. As Leah, Hudgens, 20, would be a foil to Taylor Lautner, who will reprise his role as werewolf Jacob Black. In the Stephenie Meyer novels, Leah is her pack's lone female werewolf – and a jilted one, at that. Unlike Hudgens's Gabriella in HSM, Leah experiences heartbreak, being ditched by classmate (and fellow werewolf) Sam Uley."
Inside my head I am screaming. Why are the castings letting me down??? First, Taylor Lautner. Then, Kirsten Stewart. Now, Vanessa Hudgens. What is the vampire/werewolf world coming to?? I don't even think I'll watch the sequel now.... Okay, fine, you got me. I can't stay away, no matter how much I hate the actors and actresses.
If you don't want to hear me complain about the Twilight movie, please skip ahead.
I'm going to complain about Kirsten Stewart in Twilight. What was WITH her and her giant teeth hanging out of her mouth the whole time?? (See for pic.) The entire movie, she was sitting there with her buck teeth, looking totally awkward with no makeup and bad hair. Did the movie not get enough money to get hairstylists and makeup artists? Obviously not, because Alice, Rosalie, and Esme looked stunning. Even Rob Pattinson looked great with a tousled handsome classic look.
Now, for one, the movie was totally rushed. Here's how it goes: They meet at school. Edward goes missing for about 3 days. He comes back, totally friendly - "Oh Bella let's be best buddies!" - and invites her over. They meet his family. They climb trees. They talk in the woods. Now here's the rushed part - "I'm a vampire, blah blah blah. Are you scared?" In a breathy voice I'm sure she meant to be attractive in some misguided way, Bella replies: "I'm only afraid of losing you." Now, how could that be? You've only been with him for about 2 hours your whole entire life. Liar liar pants on fire. You're only afraid scary Edward will gobble you up if you say the wrong thing, Bella.
Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love the books. The movie was just... disappointing. Not the movie. Just the bad acting. Rob Pattinson did his share of bad acting too, you know. The whole movie he looked awkward, uncertain and uncomfortable. Edward is supposed to be perfect, graceful, comfortable, and able to withstand almost everything. Movie-Edward is the exact opposite.
All right, I should probably stop now before I go too far. Please, please, PLEASE comment and tell me your thoughts about the Twilight movie and how you feel about Vanessa Hudgens in New Moon. As it says on the top of my blog, I love to hear from you!!
P.S. Okay, okay, I know in my last post I promised to put anything Twilight related in the side text box about Twilight. Sheesh, don't be judgmental. I cheated, okay??


D3AB said...

I agree, Vanessa Hudgens is NOT Leah. She cannot act and she cannot move so I am not sure how she's going to "shift." I missed Twilight in the theaters, but after your review I am glad that I will just see the DVD. Dayna said...

Loved you synopsis - you got the movie in a nutshell. I'm glad Bella has buck teeth, because I never liked her anyway. If she was too pretty that would ruin everything. As long is Edward is cute, that is all that matters.

Eden said...

She will never be leah! NEVER! I cant believe that! And I completely agree. Bella looked like a beaver. And Rob Patt. wasnt good either! ARGH.