Friday, January 16, 2009

a good laugh for all you twilighters who hated the movie

My friend Eden ( gave a perfect description of a rather "dramatic" part of the Twilight movie that made me laugh out loud, and I quote:

"I have killed people before, and I want to kill you. Every moment of the day I want to kill you!" said Edward in a freaky whisper. "I don't care" said Bella stupidly as her teeth hang out. "You need to see what I look like in the sun!" he yells. He swings her onto his back and runs up he mountain, even though you can see his legs flailing behind him. Then they are on top of the mountain. Not even in the meadows like they are supposed to be, instead they are in the mountains. So anyways...He unbuttons his shirt and walks into the sun. He turns around, his skin looks greasy, like someone smeared Vaseline all over him. "This is the skin of a killer Bella" "You're beautiful" she murmurs stupidly like an idiot.

And, Eden, you copied me so that is why I copied you!

And apparently the thing about Vanessa Hudgens auditioning for New Moon could be a rumor. They are unsure if the actress who played Rosalie was high on drugs or not when she gave the news.


Eden said...

hehe, I am glad you enjoyed it. I am serious though! thats exactly how that one scene went! hahaha, lol. Love ya!