Sunday, January 4, 2009

all that babysitting paid off!

I had my heart set on a new purple nano... my 3-year-old one is silver and I do not like it!... so my mom and I took a trip to Wal Mart (she had to return stuff there anyway) to see the nanos. They only had silver and black, my two least favorite iPod colors. We went to Target, only a block away, to find that they had only my three top favorite iPod colors: purple, blue, and pink. The purple was strange, it looked more like indigo in real life - it had a funny shade of blue mixed in. The blue was cute of course, but it wasn't me... So, I got the pink!!! I got a nice case to put it in that totally matched the shade. Then a warranty, of course. My old iPod couldn't play videos, which was a bummer, so I've been saving up. I am too much of a saver though, because I let my accounts overflow to $500 before I let myself spend $200 on a new iPod and iPod accessories. I was actually thinking of getting a new phone, too, but... Nah, I can't blow all my money that fast! I must go back to my saving ways....

1 comments: said...

Nice choice. i'd go with the pink too - always.

Keep up your saving ways!