Sunday, November 30, 2008

the boy in the striped pajamas and twilight

I just finished a book called "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas" by John Boyne. It is a book about the Holocaust from the perspective of a nine-year-old boy named Bruno with a Nazi soldier as a father. Bruno moves from his home in England to a deserted home near a camp for Jews called Out-With. There he meets a Jew boy who lives behind a fence with hundreds of striped pajama-wearing Jews. This boy becomes his only friend. Bruno doesn't really understand the concept of the Holocaust, or even that the Jews are beaten beyond the fence, so it is a simplistic but well-written book. It has a heartbreaking ending, but it is a beautifully written book. It is in the process of being made into a movie. I saw the preview for it when I was watching Twilight.

Twilight was amazing! 5/5 Stars! I saw it the Friday it came out and it was awesome!! It was a perfect image of the book. Jasper was hilarious! He was described as "That's Jasper. He's the one who always looks like he's in pain." I can't find a pic of him, so you'll have to go see the movie yourself! Yeah, so, read The Boy In the Striped Pajamas and watch Twilight!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

my cat is famous!

My cat Choco just got onto my favorite Himalyan cat blog in the world! It is called KittyBellys.

The link to the post with Choco in it is I am so happy. :) Choco is famous! The person who created KittyBellys also has another blog about her Himalyan cat Goma, who looks identical to Choco, and it is one of the cutest blogs! Well, check out Choco on KittyBellys!

Monday, November 10, 2008

4-day weekend

Nothing really has been going on this week. Well, of course we have a 4-day weekend in honor of Veteran's Day, but all I will do is sleep. :) My friend Mary came over on Saturday and we had an awesome time. We watched a movie, but got bored with it so we went up to my room. She found this old Crayola modeling clay in my closet and we made stupid stuff with it. I made a teddy bear and a bunny; Mary made a globe and a pencil. She tried to make something for every school subject but we both ran out of clay. Then we played Monopoly with my brother Andrew - it's funner with more people - and had dinner. We had a fun time! Well, today both of my brothers have their friends over, so my cat is freaking out and the house is loud, but it's okay. Tonight our family is going to a free magic show for CVASA (Coachella Valley Austism Society of America), so at least I'm doing something today. Yeah, well that's it, and 11 MORE DAYS UNTIL TWILIGHT COMES OUT! WOO!! I am soooo excited!! Mary, my friend Tati and I are going to see it and I can't wait!!!! GO TWILIGHT! Oh yeah, if you want to see the movie trailer and clips from the movie scroll ALL THE WAY down. I have a Twilight widget at the very bottom. On the side is a countdown, on the bottom is the movie trailers etc. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

prop 8 passed! finally something to be happy about!

For those of you who haven't heard, Prop 8 passed! :) Yay!

Well, I just posted to say that, because I've done nothing else today except eat tomatoes and go to school. So, post on your blogs everyone! And if you haven't already, check out my little brother Austin's blog, .

well... obama won.

Well, Obama won the election... At least we have Prop. 8 to be happy about, it's currently winning but we'll see the results tonight or tomorrow. YES ON 8!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

austin's new blog and obama... or mccain? austin decides

My little brother austin, 7 years old, has started a blog with my help. He says what he wants me to put on his blog and I type it. It is very cute, he insisted on having a Pokemon backround. He's very excited. It is .

Well, today Austin came home and said "I voted today." (At his school they had a fake election.) We asked who he voted for. Very enthusiastically, he replied, "Obama!" We asked why. He eagerly explained that two nice 2nd grade girls had liked Obama, so he then voted for Obama. He is really cute, he does the cutest things!

go mccain!

I like McCain, although all my friends don't, which is annoying. Today at lunch they were using a variety of words to express their dislike for McCain. So, good luck McCain!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

i'm back!

Okay, after a long time I've finally decided to restart my blog. It feels like home to be blogging again, it feels great! If you've noticed I've had lots of fun playing around with the sidebar. All of my little gadgets are there to prove it. If you want any of them they're all from, except for the Twilight and the Yes on 8 one, which are from So, yeah, I'm back! I can't wait to start blogging again!!